Monday, February 17, 2025

Four Steps to Selling Your Art - Part 2


(Brought to you by our friends at


Step #2: Create Your Client List

Your client list is your most important asset. No one knows the same people you do. The people you know will help you succeed—and no one can succeed on his or her own.

In the simplest terms, a client list contains names and contact information (such as emails and/or addresses) of people you know or might like to know. For the artist, a client list usually begins with friends and family, and then expands to buyers and potential buyers. You use your client list to stay in touch with all of these people and to keep them informed of your goings-on. In a nutshell, your client list is the primary tool you use to share your art with the world. As you may know, I think sharing in a sincere way is much easier and much more effective than trying to sell.



Don’t delay. The longer you wait to begin or to update your client list, the more work you make for yourself. You don’t want to have something to tell everyone and then have to carve out time to input names into your computer. A client list is something every artist can do regardless of experience. You know people already!!! Having said that . . .

Give yourself a break. Forgive yourself for not starting earlier and don’t look back.

Don’t purchase a client list. Build your own from scratch. Many people will eagerly sell you a client list, but you’re going to become annoying to gallery dealers and curators who have nothing to do with your artwork. No purchased client list can be as valuable to you as the one you build with a keen eye on your long-term goals.

Do only what you can, but do it consistently. Input 10-20 names a week until everyone is in there. If you work better with large projects, set aside a day or two to crank it out. When it comes to updating, add and correct names, emails and addresses in a way that makes sense. If you make lots of sales, meet lots of people, or have seasonal sales, you might need to do this weekly. If you are slower at getting your work out, monthly updates might be sufficient.

Copyright © Alyson B. Stanfield


Reposted By:

Adam Brown

Osio-Brown Editions Website